Monday, April 30, 2007

New service - get it while it is free!

If you refer friends you can get extra free gb.

please sign up and help a friend to get more GB! lol it works with windows and osx :)

Si pasas el dato a tus amigos recibes extra GB.

Usa este link pasa ayudarme a obtener mas espacio funciona con Windows y OSX :)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rit's gameroom 2

Rit's gameroom 2, originally uploaded by devmod.

Rit's gameroom 1

Rit's gameroom 1, originally uploaded by devmod.

My favorite place in the whole institute

Rit lunch time

Rit lunch time, originally uploaded by devmod.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The snap crackle snake game team

The snap crackle snake game team, originally uploaded by devmod.

Friday, April 13, 2007

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!, originally uploaded by devmod.

Microsoft day has come to an end!

Today was a veeeery long day...

First, I had an interview with a Microsoft recruiter which went pretty well (I think) or at least better than I expected. It was a very intense interview they really get you thinking in there...
I even had to write some code and solve some logic problems...

But overall I think I did good... At least I saw a couple of check marks on the recruiter's notes hahaha

Then, I had to meet my Software Engineer team for a while to work on our project...
And then, go to the Vista Launch Party where I even won a free copy of Office 2007 lol :P

Anyway, now I am finally home and I hope to *get* some rest... Although, I still have like a million homeworks due on monday...

That's all for now.

Microsoft day has come to an end!, originally uploaded by devmod.

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!, originally uploaded by devmod.

More vista giveaways

Microsoft vista launch party

This picture was taken in the MS Vista Launch Party at RIT.

Microsoft vista launch party, originally uploaded by devmod.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New pet

New pet, originally uploaded by devmod.

We got a catfish!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Library, originally uploaded by devmod.

Studying tables at the RIT library...

Monday, April 09, 2007

Software engineer

Software engineer, originally uploaded by devmod.

Oh man we are so behind schedule with our project...

Software engineer class:)

Software engineer class:), originally uploaded by devmod.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Fw:Testing flickr tools

Fw:Testing flickr tools, originally uploaded by devmod.

Lalala... - Sweet flickr works like a charm...


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Testing the cellphone:)

Clearly, blogger sux at retrieving my pictures from the sprint server