Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Winter is Hereeeeee!!!

First of all...

I would like to wish a Happy Valentine's day to my wife Jarlene and kids and also to my family over there in Chile!! xoxoxo


This was the first time we were actually enjoying the winter we were having a not so bad winter even with some shiny days in between... but that is over!

The real winter have started here in NY, we have around 10 inches (~25 cm) of snow and it is freezing! There is a snow storm in the area and it is staying for at least a couple of days more. They have announced at least another 10 inches for tonight... So, I guess we will have to get ready for plowing the snow which is very unpleasant and tiresome! Anyway, hopefully we will get to go snow tubing this weekend and have some fun there all together.

School this quarter has taken a great amount of my time, I am very tired right now but I have just a week left of classes so that should be over soon.

This quarter I have been FORCED to speak in public so many times!! many presentations and the like... I thought I would post a small slideshow that I created for one of my classes... The pictures were taken by us in the south of Chile.