Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I am back from the dead!

Yeah, I know I have not been around lately... Well, School has been been harder than before (I guess it is supposed to be...) So, I spend most of my afternoon (and many late nights) working on homework and studying for my tests... And even sometimes... preparing for the next class!! (yes, here you usually have to prepare the next class material in advance, something unthinkable for the common USACH student!)

I have been doing pretty good in school. This quarter I took: Physics III (lots of calculus... I SUFFER!), Microeconomics, University Chemistry, and Computer Science for Transfer Students... YES!!! Finally I got a Computer related Class! and I am enjoying it... I have finally learned JAVA! (I did get past the page 40 of the book!)...

I am still deciding if I go through with my master degree right after my bachelor.. After a little math, I have about one year left of courses plus a year of COOP (You have to go to work somewhere.. get paid and get experience) which is required to get my degree...

I usually find stuff here from Chile like fruits or wine but today Jarlene found a newspaper article which I include here...

Like is usual, we never make press for having won the Hockey World Cup, or the Tennis World Cup, etc... I always find articles about conflicts in Chile... Since I left , I can see nothing has changed... We still have the unresponsive government or perhaps the overdemanding citizens...

That's all for now, I will try take the time to post more often...

Take care,

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