I have been really busy with school and all, and I have like 10 posts in mind, but I dunno if it is possibe to post them all this weekend hhahaha.
First, a short commentary about my trip to New York City:
Ufff. NYC rulz haha I dunno where to start... ohh yes , I do know...
After about (don't remmy exactly) 4 hour of driving we heard (Cop Sound), so we pulled over. A guy like 6" tall (or maybe he looked taller because we were sitting in our car haha) told us "License and Registration please" and suddendly all the episodes of COPS that I have seen came to my mind (I thought I even heard the musical theme "Bad boys , Bad boys what u gonna do... haha"). So, he basically told us we were going to 84 mi/h (about 135 km/h) in a 60 mi/h area... And then he wrote us a ticket and we were on our way again just that now Jarlene drove like 20 mi/h ahhaha. After that little impasse we got to NYC, it is funny how you can tell when you are in New York City... Just look for traffic areas hhahaha. We got to the hotel (the Intercontinental hotel, we got it extremely cheap through www.savingsbarn.com), and It was just great a nice hotel and service... However, we did not spend much of our time there, we walked our feet off!
First Day:

After arriving, we went to see Rockefeller Center (Ice Skating Ring), and then at night, we went to the Time Square. The iceskating ring was completely full, there was a line of about 500 people waiting to get in and maybe other 500 just watching the inexperienced fall over and over again. Later at Times Square was just wonderful, I could not describe the experience. I felt literally like a Huaso in Santiago Centro (A cowboy in a Capital city). The lights were overwhelming I could say I have never seen so many bigscreens toghether at once haha (now you understand why the cowboy thing), and these lights generated by the publicity ads changed everything's color. It was a sunday night, and there was SO MUCH PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! (Chilean tip: It was like Paseo Ahumada at lunch time or a Saturday before christmas).
VIDEO TIME SQUAREThe video is on my P2-333 mhz server, so I hope it works fine haha.
Second Day (Monday):

We went to the Statue of liberty and bought the tickets, and then we realized there was other 1000 people waiting in line to get in, so we gave up and left planning to go the next day morning... Afterward, we walked our way to WTC on the road we saw many interesting places... Once we got there, it was really shocking because I did not realize first of all the size of that building, secondly I never realized how many people died there... It was a really sad place, I could see it in the face of the other visitors.

There was a homeless guy playing a sad melancolich melody with his flute, and this gave the atmosphere a weird feeling. Even though, I am not American, I felt really sad in that place.
Later on, we visited the Brooklyn Bridge, the oldest bridge in NYC. This bridge has a beautiful architecture and we caught the sunset just on time. I took many many pictures! Trying to get "the perfect one" haha, at this time I was totally worn out, but we had a long way to go! Afterward, we visited little Italy and Chinatown (To get in Chinatown you need passport! haha just kidding), which were nice places, and we stopped at a little cafe to eat some lunch.

Then we visited the Apple Store, where I dreamt a little about the trillion of things I wanted from there, which has a nice architecture based on clean lines and where, of course, predominated the glass and white tones.

It was still monday, but the night had fallen and my feet were probably broken, but we had one more location to visit: Central Park. It was a really nice place and it had a cool fair next to it (Chilean tip: It was like Santa Lucia Hill's fair). As I walked there, I recognized many movies' locations (Home Alone -Mi pobre angelito- , Kate and Leopold) which looked incredible small compared to what I remembered.

After our journey, we headed to the hotel, and on the sidewalk we stopped to buy some peanuts. Big was my surprise when I saw this little Chilean flag in the corner of the CARRITO, to make a long story short, the guy asked me "Are you from Chile?" I answered yes, and then he said " Weeeeena po weoooooon como tay po %$#^$". So at that very instant I said to myself, "Yes, he IS chilean!" haha, I think we both felt really excited to see another Chilean and he invited me to pose as a sellman next to him, while his Gringo friend stopped the transit on the sidewalk, so we can took a picture hahaha. Then we said goodbye and he gave me an extra bag of peanuts...
But this was not over... On our way to the hotel, I noticed three widescreen monitors with a familiar logo. As I approached, the blurry logo came to life and it read something like this:

"WATCH OUT Display software has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience... ...Please tell Microsoft about this problem..."
I bursted in a loud laugh, and then explained why it was so funny to Jarlene. I tried to press the "Send error report" button, but I could not find the keyboard haha... (I wonder how many people actually saw that error...).
So, we got back to our room and ate something, and we started planning our next day itinerary. At 11.00 pm, we saw on the news that there would be a strike on the bus and subway system the next day, worried about it and praying that all would be fine the next day we went to sleep.
Ufff.. this was a long post, I think I will leave the day 3 for the next post...
Full picture album at:
1 comment:
Yeah, I know I have been reeeeeally busy with school and all. I am not used to study at that rhythm...
I am doing good, thank you. What about you? how is your master plan? Take care!
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