Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend Project: DIY Cat Tower for Dejavu

Last week, my wife and I went out looking for a big cat tower to enable our kitty to escape from our dog, but most of the ones we found were pretty low and had that brown carpet look to them.

So in order to have something we liked and save money, we decided we would build our own custom kittty tower. I thought the wood work would only take me a couple of hours but it ended up taking me way longer... I think I was being very meticulous with measurements and all due to the fact this tower would be sitting in our living room.

On Friday evening, We quickly drafted a design and bought what I thought I would need in order to get this thing done. (Biggest struggle so far... Working with the us metric system)



I spent that evening mostly cutting up the parts, and gave up at about midnight because of course I had not bought everything I needed!


Saturday, we went to get what we needed to continue working on it and spent most of the day cutting, fitting, measuring, etc. Saturday night, we were able to cover some of the posts with fabric and called it a day.

Lastly, on Sunday I spent most of the morning covering up the parts with fabric and fitting/attaching all the pieces together and the evening on giving it some final touches.

And the end result...


Dejavu (our kitty) checking out her new digs



Posted via email from devmod's posterous

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Leverage - Chileans. Don't Mess With Chileans. (With subs!)

I was watching a few episodes I missed from season one when I stumbled upon this. It really cracked me up (maybe it is only funny to me because I am Chilean?), so I thought I would put it up here for your enjoyment :)

Posted via email from devmod's posterous